The Holly Lodge Centre welcomes two new Trustees

Posted on: 20 February 2025
The Holly Lodge Centre warmly welcomes two news trustees who formally joined the Trustee Board in January 2025.
Fiona Fong
Fiona has joined us as a Trustee to help drive audience awareness and engagement with HLC.  She has a background in corporate communications, looking after the reputations of FTSE 100 organisations, such as Hiscox, and Reckitt Benckiser, private companies and healthcare charities such as Nuffield Health.  She has advised a number of charities on their visibility, and is passionate about the power of effective communications to help organisations succeed. A local resident, she is often running, cycling or walking around Richmond Park.
Harriet Parker ( please see photo)
Harriet has joined as a Trustee to support Corporate Fundraising. She is an Investment Manager on the Liontrust Sustainable Investment team with responsibility for identifying and recommending stocks for the funds and co-ordinating the team’s engagement with investee companies. She joined Liontrust in April 2017 as part of the acquisition of Alliance Trust Investments (ATI). Harriet started her career in the investment industry in 2004 at Aviva Investors. Harriet holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Bristol and holds the Investment Management Certificate (IMC).
Led by Chairperson James Middlehurst, Fiona and Harriet join six existing Trustees in leading and guiding the organisation into a new exciting period. We look forward to working with them both and introducing them to the 70+ other volunteers that form part of The Holly Lodge Centre Family.
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