Living Things And Their Habitats (Including Pond Dipping)

Understand the requirements of survival, food chains and observe real habitats on the nature trail.

Suitable for
  • EYFS
  • KS1
  • KS2

Which season is best for this activity?

This activity can be done at any time of the year, demonstrating different requirement for each season. The session is held outdoors; suitable clothing is required in the winter months. We only work indoors if the weather is exceptionally bad.

Learning objectives and links to the National Curriculum of Study

The session links directly to the National Curriculum Science Programmes of Study (animals, including humans and living things and their habitats) for Key Stage 1 and 2. ( . All our sessions are underpinned by detailed lesson plans. These plans are adjusted to take account of the variations in ability and skill level across the Key Stages.

Pupils should be taught to work scientifically by:

Outline of the Activity

We begin with an introductory discussion about what a habitat is and what animals need to survive. We look at the homes on display in the classroom – including examples of man-made habitats. We include basic life cycles of birds/insects in relation to examples of homes.

In the event of extreme weather conditions, we have a variety of indoor activities, including a digital microscope where invertebrates can be more closely examined.

Ideas for pre-visit learning

Before bringing a group to do this activity, here are a few ideas to help to introduce the subject:

Ideas for follow-up work back at school

Really well organised and informative! The children realy enjoyed themselves. Thank you to all the volunteers.
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